Sandstorm Is Making Major Break Throughs! (to the Office Next door)
It's a major breakthrough moment for us. The tenants next door to our office are moving out this month. This is pretty exciting. This is our chance! This is our moment... to break into that space and commit to our explosive growth. It's our opportunity to embrace change, and start to design the newly added space. (which is the really fun part). So I am printing out floor plans of our current loft office and of the office next door for all of the staff to draw up what kind of space they need as we continue to grow.
Do we finally need a full lunchroom? Do we need a game room? A creative brainstorm room outside of our kind of cool conference room. Someone mentioned huddle rooms? Do we need quiet rooms? Or maybe a nicer place for the fantastic contractors we know and love so they don't have to work so close to the microwave and micro their brain waves out...
When we moved into this space 2 years ago I always envisioned that we would knock out part of the wall and make a curved archway into the new space. But after visiting the layout, I think the entire wall is going to have to go to really break through. My friend Ron told me that companies are the most efficient after a move, I'll let him know how it goes.