What’s a “You Rock!”?
Want the scoop about our culture? Check out this super-secret take on our recent ‘You Rock’ celebration from the chronicles of our newest Sandstormer, Meaghan Glennan. (Don’t worry, she won’t mind if we share.)
Dear Diary:
Remember when I wrote to you on Valentine’s Day when I was nine and told you that Josh Jeffries gave me a pack of heart-shaped SweetTarts and a tiny paper card with the Land Before Time dinosaurs holding up a sign that said “You’re great!”?
I started my new job at Sandstorm Design last week, and as it turns out, THEY STILL DO THAT (but no dinosaurs, though). They call it “You Rock,” and it’s basically a chance for Sandstormers to hang out and celebrate one another. They have lunch together, and Sandy, the Principal, reads and gives-out hand-written notes of thanks and encouragement that team members have penned for each other. There were so many sweet messages, like “Thanks for all your help on the new project last week,” and “Thanks! It’s wonderful to work with you!”
I KNOW! Isn’t that fantastic?! Hearing how much appreciation and respect the group has for one another totally killed my new-girl jitters. Any team that takes time out of their day to give props to each other like that is obviously one where I am going to be very comfortable and welcome.
It was such a great introduction to the super fun and cohesive culture here. I’ve only just started, but already there’s been an in-office pizza party in which everyone ate at the table together (isn’t that the best?) and plenty of laughs around the office.
I’m having a lot of fun so far. And the best part? There’s another ‘You Rock’ next month!
Think I’m gonna like it here.