Heuristic Evaluation & Website Analysis: Conduct a Current Website Assessment
Heuristic what? Plainly put, a heuristic evaluation (also referred to as a heuristic analysis) is a systematic review of your website, intranet, and any other user interfaces for usability based on general rules derived from usable interfaces. The end goal is to identify usability problems of existing designs (e.g. proposed shopping cart checkout process). Heuristic evaluations are part of our user experience design process and a cost effective way to identify interactions that need to change in order to support a positive user experience.
How do you do it? A typical evaluation consists of one or more usability professionals examining your interface design using recognized usability principles (i.e., heuristics). For example, content and terminology on your website needs to be familiar to the end user. If you use acronyms on your website make sure the user knows what the acronym stands for. Every usability issue identified is related to one or more heuristics. As a result, you do not just get opinions; you get a complete analysis with recommendations based on successful interface designs.
Your end result? A full report including easy-to-implement suggestions on how to immediately impact the usability of your current website or online application. Our report includes the usability heuristics used for the evaluation, a summary of key findings and recommendations, and detailed issues and recommendations based on each of the usability heuristics included as part of the evaluation. Once implemented, you can be sure you have improved your user experience!
Want to learn more? Request a quote for your heuristic evaluation today.